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Post Construction Cleaning

Post Construction Cleaning

services details

After the construction/renovation of a premises, often dust, dirt and grime covers all the surfaces. SR Cleaner’s post construction cleaning is a deep clean service available to residences, offices and other commercial spaces. This cleaning service ensures that the newly constructed or renovated property is clean, safe and sanitized before the occupants move in.

Key aspects of cleaning that are covered under this service include:

  • Cleaning of insides of cupboards, cabinets, desks and drawers so that they are ready to use.
  • Debris removal.
  • Dust removal from all high points – ceiling fans, vents, pipes, light fixtures etc.
  • Floors have a lot of footfall during construction so they need to be thoroughly scrubbed. Dirt removal from corners and skirting.
  • Paint / cement stain removal.
  • Pest control of kitchen.
  • Window and glass cleaning including window sills, window tracks, scraping and sticker removal.
