- DEEP CLEAN: Clean/vacuum under the bed.
- Mirror cleaning DEEP CLEAN: dust and wipe Ceiling fans.
- Picture frames dusting and vacuuming.
- Prominent knick-knacks dusting. DEEP CLEAN: Clean Every knick-knacks individually.
- Dust and clean all Vents.
- Wooden floor mopping. DEEP CLEAN: Polish(Wax/Mansion) & machine buffing.
- Vacuuming and dust-proofing of sofas, chairs, carpets and Mini-blinds.
- Cleaning all glasses & window panes that are safe to access.
- Wet and Dry mopping of floors. DEEP CLEAN: Floor Scrubbing - Specialized machines with the use of correct cleaning & disinfecting chemicals that remove the deep layers of dirt from the floors.
- Dusting of Ceilings and all Electrical Fixtures, except for chandeliers.
- Dusting & Spotting of furniture.
- Removal of Cobwebs.